Using Windows to Add Light to Your Kitchen 

Natural light is much more warm and inviting than artificial light, and it can make your kitchen look and feel great. If your kitchen lacks windows, you might be able to add one or more and take advantage of the energy savings and great atmosphere created by natural light. Here’s how to use windows to add light to your kitchen.


Choose an exterior wall that gets the most sunlight throughout the day. This will give you longer hours of daylight and can supplement or even replace artificial lighting throughout the day. If you don’t have a wall that is suitable, ask your contractor about installing a skylight. Even a small window can make a difference if it’s positioned to get a good deal of sunlight.

Skip the curtains

To take advantage of the most light, leave the window undressed, or just use a sheer net curtain. This allows light to fill the kitchen but maintains your privacy, and can look great with many different decor styles.

Consider practicality

Adding a window above the kitchen sink or near the stove allows you to take advantage of sunlight while cooking or washing without using artificial light. You can also take advantage of cool breezes by opening this window on cool days to release some of the heat of cooking.

Space them out

If you have a large enough kitchen, you can put in more than one window. Space them out to take advantage of bringing light into the room at multiple points. More natural light means a reduced need for your overhead lighting and lamps, so take advantage of this “free” resource.

Ask your contractor about the best location for your kitchen windows to help you make the most of natural light in your own kitchen.

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